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Writer's pictureJulie Elias


Hi Friend,

Today God wants to remind you of the LOVE that he has for YOU!

The God of ALL creation

The God of the heavens and the earth.

The God who knows all of the stars and names them.

THIS GOD, The one true living God. HE HAS A GREAT AMOUNT OF LOVE FOR YOU. My question for you today is have you accepted this LOVE? This Love is NOT your ordinary love.

This love is unfailing.

This love is transforming.

This love was costly, meaning it was sacrificial. God sent his one and only son Jesus to die for you and I.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” - Romans 5:8

God is not interested in rules and regulations. He is interested in transforming your heart. Yes, there is a standard we are called to, but you can definitely keep a checklist of do’s and don'ts and your heart NOT actually be transformed. When we accept God’s love (accepting him as Lord and Savior) and give him our heart he changes us from the inside out. He gives us a NEW heart, one that wants to honor him in everything we do.


And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

- Ezekiel 36:26


This my friend is when the changes begin to happen naturally. They start to occur out of our devotion to him and reverent fear of him. Conviction begins to take place when he is drawing us closer to him because we are slowly becoming reflections of him. So friend, today I simply wanted to remind you of God’s love for you.

I used a very old picture for today’s blog because the Julie who had a child before marriage, the Julie who was searching the world for EVERYTHING but Jesus she needed to be told that GOD LOVED HER and he sent his son to DIE for her sins so that she could have eternal life. She needed to be told that even though God did not approve of her lifestyle his LOVE for her wanted to transform her from the inside out. So today I tell you, no matter how far you may feel God is waiting on you, his love is there and available.

If you are not a christian I want you to know that we are saved by GRACE through FAITH in Jesus. (Here are a few scriptures you can read: 1 John 4:15, Romans 10:9, Ephesians 2:8-9).

If you are a Christian, I want you to take time to remind yourself just how loved you are as his daughter. Spend some time with him and pour into yall’s relationship. You are a daughter of the King and he cares for you! Even if you have made mistakes since accepting him, that is okay. Your job is to keep going to him and be vigilant in prayer.

I know this was a bit long but I am praying that this was helpful to you.

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